Saturday, December 31, 2011

Electric Scooter Guide - The Pride Celebrity XL

!±8± Electric Scooter Guide - The Pride Celebrity XL

Electric scooters are used primarily by individuals who have difficulty walking and moving around. They can be used in outdoor and indoor situations and have many other benefits. Pride Mobility is a manufacturer of mobility scooters that has been a leader in the home mobility industry for over 20 years. One of their more popular scooters is the Celebrity XL.

The Celebrity XL is a 4-wheeled heavy duty scooter. This means that it has been designed to be used outdoors and over rough uneven terrain. Since it is 4-wheeled, it has very good stability, but has a rather large turning radius of 62." This means that it is great for the outdoors, but might not prove practical inside your home or in areas with very tight corners.

The maximum range of the Celebrity XL is 25 miles per charge and it can travel at speeds of almost 6 miles per hour. It can support up to 350 pounds and features a very comfortable captain's seat with adjustable headrest, which looks much like a car seat. The seat is 18 inches wide and to get an idea of whether this will be wide enough, you can measure the width of one of the chairs that is in your home. This way you know whether or not the chair will be wide enough to accommodate you. The overall length of this electric scooter is 51.25" and it is 25.25" wide.

This electric scooter uses 13 inch pneumatic tires in the front and back. This means that it will be necessary to periodically check the tire pressure and might have to add a little bit of air from time to time. Your tire pressure should be between 30-35 psi and so you will want to pick up a tire gauge, which only costs a few dollars and is available at auto repair stores and most gas stations. You should also take care when around areas that might contain nails or other sharp objects, because you do not want to puncture a tire.

The ground clearance of the Celebrity XL is 4.5 inches and this allows for it to easily move in the outdoors. It has a full lighting package with headlights and taillights. In addition this scooter makes use of specially reinforced bumpers that are resistant chips and scratches.

Similar to a travel scooter, the Celebrity XL can be broken down into several pieces. However, when it is disassembled, the heaviest piece is 78 pounds, which may be too heavy for some people to move on their own. For this reason many people who use this type of scooter, also invests in a vehicle scooter carrier.

Pride Mobility has been manufacturing mobility scooters since the early 90's and all of their products are made with only quality materials and special attention to detail. They are also all backed by a very impressive warranty. The warranty does not cover items like light bulbs or fuses, which may wear out due to normal wear and tear, but all major components are covered.

Electric Scooter Guide - The Pride Celebrity XL

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Saturday, December 10, 2011

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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Does an Iron Gym Workout Really Work?

!±8± Does an Iron Gym Workout Really Work?

An Iron Gym workout uses a bar that you install on a door frame that lets you use your body weight as resistance while you work out your upper body. This equipment does not cost very much and does not require you to buy any other items like weights. You will have everything you need for an upper body workout in your door frame.

Will the Iron Gym ab workout give you the results you want? It can but not the way you may think it will. The following better explains exactly how it works.

This is a very strong rod that weighs just six pounds and easily installs in a door frame with the attached pads and can hold up to 300 pounds. The pads are what allow the rod to support your weight. It can be installed in doors that are 24" to 32" wide. You need about 3-1/2" of space for the pads to securely attach the rod to the frame of the door.

If you want to do mid- to lower abdominal workouts, the only other equipment you need is the "Ab Strap". Once you've attached the strap, you're good to go.

You first hang off of the rod and put your knees together while bringing them up towards your chest. This is going to be difficult at first but will get easier with practice. You have to be determined and motivated. Just keep trying to do these exercises. After you can bring your knees up, work on increasing the number of repetitions you do of this exercise to as many as 10, 30, or even 50 to build strong ab muscles. These ab exercises will work on getting rid of that body fat that builds up in your lower abdomen.

Another way to do the Iron Gym ab workout is to hang from the bar and move your legs as if you were riding a bicycle. This exercise helps you build strong lower abdominal muscles and strong upper thighs while getting rid of flab on your hips. You can also try lifting your legs backwards while you hang from the rod. This is going to take a lot of strength and will help you build up strong back muscles when you keep doing it over a long period of time. You have to be sure you do this exercise correctly, though, or you can injure your back.

When you can do the front leg lifts easily, you can work on swinging your legs laterally while lifting them up to build your side abdominal muscles. This is another Iron Gym ab workout exercise that is difficult in the beginning but gets easier the more you do it. Keep your knees together while you are swinging your legs during this exercise or you can end up with an injury like a muscle sprain. Good form is the key to getting the most out of the Iron-Gym ab workouts.

You can also try hanging perpendicular to the rod and swinging your legs sideways with the legs locked together. Make sure you are not going to run into anyone coming in the door while you do this or you can get hurt or hurt someone else. Just a little bit of swinging motion will give you great results and get you those sexy flat abs you want.

Does an Iron Gym Workout Really Work?

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Thursday, November 3, 2011

Get Six-Pack Abs - Don't Just Do Abs Exercises

!±8± Get Six-Pack Abs - Don't Just Do Abs Exercises

New Year's around the corner. So are New Year's resolutions. One of the most common resolutions in my corner of the woods has to do with abdominal fitness. People either want to get a flat stomach or get six-pack abs. Some want exercises to lose belly fat, some want diets. For some this year's resolution is the same as last year's. Even though they've watched what they ate or did abs exercises regularly.

I'm going to go on a limb and bet you hear the same resolutions your neck of the woods.

Read this article to the end, and you'll know what you need to do to not have the same resolution next year.

As far as getting six-pack abs, people seem to think the only way to get there is to do tons of crunches. Then do some more.

That's a myth. You don't get six-pack abs (or keep them if you've already gotten them, for that matter) if you only do abs exercises. Besides, the abs exercise of choice is the traditional crunch - not the most effective way to workout your abs.

To best understand what's involved in getting six-pack abs, how the abs exercises you do or will soon do work, a very brief overview of your abdominal area.

It's made up of 4 muscles. The one that gives you the 6-packs abs look is the abdominis rectus. Then you have the transverse abdominis. This one's right behind the one that makes your abs look great. You use it for sucking in your belly. If it's toned, you look narrower. On the sides of your abdominal area you have the internal and the external obliques (one on each side), with the internal obliques lying below the external.

You need to exercise all those muscles if you're to have the great abs you desire. Some abs exercises are best for one or another of these muscles. Which means that, for best results, you can't do just one type of exercise.

The best exercises for the abdominis rectus are: bicycle maneuver, leg raises on a power tower (captain's chair), crunches on an exercise ball, vertical leg crunches and Torso Track exercises (in that order, according to a study by the American Council on Exercise.

The best exercises for the obliques are: leg raises on a power tower (captain's chair), bicycle maneuver, reverse crunches, planks (hover), and vertical leg crunches.

Planks engaged your transverse abdominis (the muscle behind the muscle you see when you see six-pack abs). So is sucking in your belly. Ball tosses are great for it.

Now, the sad part.

You can have six-pack abs and never see them. Between the abdominis rectus and the skin, there's a space that your body fills with fat. An endless space, if you allow it.

A very thin space, if that's what you want.

Depending on how much fat you have over your fine abdominis rectus, you may need to exercise the rest of your body or to exercise the rest of your body and change your eating habits.

Exercises such as jogging and swimming are good at increasing your metabolism (make your body use up energy faster) and they're good for your heart too. Treadmills and elliptical machines would be good exercise machines to get the same results. Exercises bikes and rowing are not as effective at using up calories as treadmills or elliptical machines, but if you like them more, by all means, use them.

Exercises with weights or resistance bands are good at increasing your muscle size. Larger muscles use up more energy and take up less space than fat, so you end up being thinner. For most bang, from the point of getting six-pack abs that are visible, work on your largest muscle groups first (i.e, start with the chest, end up with the forearms).

And if you've made it so far, why not go all the way and get flexible too. You can do yoga or just hold a few stretches regularly.

Changing your eating habits involves a bunch of things, such as what you eat, how often, how much, and when. But if you want six-pack abs, you want to change your eating habits, right?

Now that I got you healthy and trim, let's go back to getting you a six-pack.

Traditional crunches, according to the study I mentioned earlier, come in at # 11 (for both rectus abdominis and obliques) and they're about half as effective as the top 2 (bicycle and leg raises). That doesn't mean that if you love doing them you should stop. But if you don't have preferences yet, learn to love the top 5 exercises.

Not one of the top exercises but all of them. Because variety will help you stick with your abs workout routine and because they use the muscles slightly differently. Your abs are intended to do 3 things for you: help you stay erect, bend, and twist. So make sure your final abs routine has at least one exercise for each of these activities.

If you need ab machines to get yourself to work your abs consistently, get ab machines. Whether you use an ab machine or not, make sure you don't forget form. Improper form can cause back or neck pain. It can get you uneven muscles. Even if it does neither, it diminishes the effectiveness of your exercises.

Form means you don't pull on your neck or head. Form means that you don't allow other muscles to assist the muscles you're exercising (your legs, for most people). Form means you don't lurch, that you move evenly, that you use the whole range of motion the exercise requires. Form means you inhale when you're contracting muscles and exhale when you relax them.

One simple thing to do to increase form is to tighten your stomach a bit for the duration of every move, so you're pulling your belly button in a bit.

Now that you know the best abs exercises to get six-pack abs, have at it. (If you haven't exercised in a while, it's best if you consult with your doctor first).

Get Six-Pack Abs - Don't Just Do Abs Exercises

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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Abs Exercise Equipment - Best Products to Help Flatten Your Belly

!±8± Abs Exercise Equipment - Best Products to Help Flatten Your Belly

If you want to tighten those abs and lose some of that annoying stomach fat, it is, of course, possible to do so without any equipment at all. However, there are some pieces of equipment that can drastically increase your ability to tone your belly and work those core abdominal muscles.

The good news is that not all abs exercise equipment in expensive. In fact, some of the equipment below is very simple and, in some instances, can be exchanged for a homemade alternative.

A Floor Mat

One of the most fundamental pieces of equipment, the floor mat is still incredibly beneficial and can be bought relatively cheaply. A floor mat will allow you to perform some of the best ab exercises, such as the vertical leg crunch, the plank and the bicycle crunch, in complete comfort.

Large Exercise Ball

With the physical benefits and fun provided by an exercise ball, it is little wonder that they are growing in popularity. A large ball is recommended to anyone who is looking for equipment, because it offers unlimited possibilities for ab workouts.

Chin-Up Bar

Although it may be thought of as a purely upper body exercise, chin-ups are a great way to build core muscle strength and tone the abs as well as the arms. A chin-up bar is one of the simplest pieces of abs exercise equipment and a doorframe bar can be purchased for a very reasonable price.

Vertical Knee Raise Machine

If you can afford a more sophisticated piece of equipment, then the vertical knee raise machine could be what you are looking for. It is possibly too large for the average home gym, but if you can afford it and have the space, this piece of equipment will enable you to perform vertical leg raise (Captain's Chair) exercises, which are thought to be one of the most effective workouts for the abdominal region.

Rowing Machine

Rowing machines come in a range of sizes and vary in sophistication. For the average home gym, you will be looking at one of the less expensive smaller machines. Whatever machine you choose, however, rowing exercises are an excellent way to increase stamina, improve core strength, and work those abs.

Medicine Balls

This great exercise equipment comes in a range of sizes, textures and weights. The medicine balls offer a limitless variety of possible exercises and will enable you to increase core strength and stamina. However, to avoid injury, it is advisable to use a medicine ball workout book or DVD.


Like medicine balls, kettlebells come in a variety of sizes and weights and are becoming ever more popular in workout regimes. Because kettlebell workouts require the work of many different muscle groups, they are a good way to improve overall fitness in a relatively short period of time. As with medicine balls, you should seek advice before using kettlebells, as it is easy to sustain injury if lifting incorrectly.

Although, as previously mentioned, none of this abs exercise equipment is necessary, they can all dramatically increase the effectiveness of your workouts.

Abs Exercise Equipment - Best Products to Help Flatten Your Belly

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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Ab Lounge 2 Abdominal Exerciser

!±8±Ab Lounge 2 Abdominal Exerciser

Brand : Ab Lounge
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Post Date : Oct 27, 2011 00:23:31

Ab Lounge 2 The Ultimate Abdominal Machine! Testing proves that the Ab Lounge 2 jackknife is more effective than the standard bent knee crunch.

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